For the past two years I have been lucky to work with some amazing people in the
Sacramento ACE Mentor Program. The program teams Architects, Contractors and Engineers with students to “engage, excite and enlighten students” to pursue careers in our industry. This year I was on the School of Engineering and Sciences team- led by James Willsie of Rainforth Grau Architects. Others on the team included Art Ross of CYS engineering, Ray Nalangan of SMUD, Sarah Picker of Caltrans, Owen Jones, AIA and Donna Huntingdale of the Stahl Companies. Our School advisor was Andrew Kennedy- Mr. Kennedy teaches engineering and also advises on the Robotics Team- he is a busy guy.
Our project this year was to respond to a proposal to design and build a new museum and exhibit space, including site improvements for the
Effie Yeaw Nature Center. The students met with the Center’s director to discuss the Center’s programming needs and also explored the site for inspiration. Back in the classroom, the students prepared a community survey that they distributed, collected and analyzed for programming input. We met bi-weekly with the students to work on designs for the site as well as the building. The students broke into teams related to their interest level- architecture, engineering or construction.
This being my second year mentoring students through the ACE program, I had certain expectations. Mainly I was hoping to retain more female students and to actually finish the base plan in a timely manner. As professionals we are used to working to the wire to complete projects, the students were no different and pulled some late nights to finish their presentation. The day of their presentation to the ACE judges, the team consisted of 7 members. The Team looked polished and spoke confidently about their project process and recommendations.
A week or so later the students were recognized at a banquet at Effie Yeaw. Team RAWR won Best Construction Approach. Thanks for a great year everyone! See you in the fall!
-Christine Talbot