Situated in Historic State Capitol Park, directly across the street from the West steps of the State Capitol, this existing monument is slated for embellishment to elevate its presence to a level that is commensurate with its meaning and importance to the citizens of California. The original monument, a lone soldier known as “El Soldado”, was dedicated to honor the devotion, dedication, and sacrifice of California’s Latino Veterans to State and Country.
Working in collaboration with the Department of General Services, Department of Veterans Affairs and the California Mexican American Veterans Memorial Beautification and Enhancement Committee, Quadriga designed a new 15,000 square foot Memorial and Memorial Garden with El Soldado as its center piece. The Memorial is designed as a progression of experience, beginning with recognition of the Society of War Mothers who originally commissioned El Soldado in the 1950’s. As visitors are lead further into the Memorial they are presented with the Memorial Wall at the base of the El Soldado monument engraved with the names of the Latino Congressional Medal Of Honor recipients. The journey into the memorial continues with the visitors being oriented facing El Soldado, as he stands at attention to the States Capitol. The Memorial Wall at this final vantage point is engraved with prose and poetry to honor all California Latino Veterans. The entire Memorial plaza is encircled by a low Community Recognition Wall, embracing visitors and those memorialized within.
Quadriga’s role in this project includes conceptual Design through Construction Administration, with completion scheduled for early 2012. Quadriga was honored to collaborate with the Memorial Committee and local Veterans groups on this significant Memorial.
Click here to watch the California Mexican American Veterans Memorial video!